Monday, 1 November 2010

Random thoughts [Culture differences]

How to make a character SCARY??

Examole: Ghost
 - Western

 - Asian:  


Finally, do you find this picture SCARY?

Week7 - Monday, AG1087A Drop-in session note

Character Design
 - Final year project is not showing what you can do
 - Final year project should be exploring in one area
 - Should ask yourself why doing it, what could this character tell

 - Culture differences in Character Design  
                                               (^ BIG TOPIC)
        - could be studied in small areas
                Exampel: 1. Culture differences of creating a character's behaviors
                               2. Culture differences of making a character angry

Suggested looking area
 - Disney character design
       - how they considering the character design which facing different globle cultures
 - Beauty and the Beast
       - horrible appearance but nice personality (Similar story, Sherik)

Week7 - Project Plan [show& tell]

 - Guideline for character design in different content

    1. How to make the character design "unoriginal".
    2. Why company design a character in a certain way.
    3. Is "any game" successful because of the character design?
    4. The impacts of involving different culture elements.

Drop-in Session
 - AG1087A  Tomorrow 10 -11 am, Room 2532
 - AG1085A  Tomorrow 11 -12 am, Room 3508 or 2032

Week6 - Lecture Notes

Pre - Production
 - Audio Pre - Production
 - Budgets
      - Development: CPU, disc size, memory...

Research Methods and Dissertation
 - Lecture 3: What, Why and How
                        (most difficult)
 - What
       - Starting general and then getting more specific
 - Why
       - This justies why the research is worth doing
 - How
       - How the research will be done

Concept Development
 - Project
       1. Target audience
       2. Budget
       3. What make your idea different, something like USPs (Unique Selling Point)
       4. Platform
 - Technology and its limits
      - things to ask before building assets
          *Art/ Visual Design
                - Screen size
                - Image texture size limit
                - Polygon limit
                - Max. number of textures
                - Max. bumber of bones
                - Animation, max. bumber of keyframes.
                - Sampling Frequency
                - Number of supported channels
                - File format?
                - Memory budget
                - It's virtually impossible to do it "fun"
                - Concept Document
                      - Start of with "wouldn't it be cool if..."
                      - Refine "cool" list to a more focused "what's fessible" list.
                - Develop a rough prototype as a proof of concept
                - Reiterate on prototype to create a "vertical slice" of the user experience

- Module Folder: http://learn2/module/IAMG/AG1086a

Project Initial Idea

I am interested in:
 - Concept Arts
 - Character Design       *
 - Modeling & Rigging
 - Animation                  *

Project -> Animation

 1. Why Company design a character in a certain way?
 2. Is "some game" successful because of the character design?
         - The impact of character design on the success of "some game"

Recommeded Websites

Useful websites:


Week3 - Lecture Notes

Pre - Production
 - Tuesday        1-2 pm             Room 3512.1 (animation)
 - Wednesday   10-11 am        Whtie Space sofas (game)
 - Tuesday        1-2 pm             Room 1022 (design)

Concept Development
 - (Professor's CVs)
 - Online Storage:

Week2 - Lecture Notes

Pre - Production
 - Module Folder: http://learn2/module/co/AG/AG1085A
 - Storyboarding - Planning
      - Timing
      - Navigation
      - Staging
      - Camera
      - Lighting
 - Animation Tutorial:


Week1 - Lecture Notes

 - Pitch : Project Proposal & Commitment to area of study
 - Crit: Peer review of worki in progress
 - Week 9: Allocation of supervisor
 - Week 17: Submission of CW semester 1
 - Glossary of Terms
    1.learning contract (the criteria by which you will be judged)
    2.Pitch &Crit
    5.Show &Tell (pressentation of work in progress to classmate)
    6.Consultant (menber of the professional community with production expirence)

Professional Practice
 - Jim Bown, White Space,
 - Project Proposal & Plan
 - Theoretical Underpinning
 - Research Ethics
 - Exhibition/ Competition/ Festival
 - Showreel
 - Online Presence
 - CV
 - Objectives
     - Bad words
         1.know, understand (can't ever be measured)
         2.appreciate, have an awareness of..
     - By reading the Aim & Objectives it should be clear WHAT to done

Objective 1             Objective 2             Objective 3
 Activity 1.1             Activity 2.1             Activity 3.1 
     Activity 1.2             Activity 2.2             Activity 3.2
                    ...                          ...                            ...       

Research Methods and Dissertation
 - Research Proposal by Janunary 14th Friday (1/3 Grade)
 - Dissertation by May (2/3 Grade)
 - Research & Art facts strongly recommended to be linked
 - Blackboard System

Concept Development
 - Module Tutor: Blinda
 - Visit

Week1 - Module List

S1     AG1085A  Pre-Production
S1     AG1086A  Concept Development
S1S2 AG1064A Professional Practice
S1S2 AG1087A Research Methods and Dissertation
S2     AG1084A Honours Project